Community Engagement
Inequality and racism in systems cause deep polarizations in our community and make it difficult for low-income people and families in Orange County to meet their basic needs and thrive. We work in partnership with member congregations, putting faith into action to advance positive social change. To achieve our vision of an Orange County where all people live with dignity and thrive, OCCCO develops and moves a diverse critical mass of faith communities, builds relationship with decision makers in our cities, county and state, and passes policies that increase access, resources and opportunity with the most vulnerable members in our society.
We raise awareness about the lack of affordable housing and work towards a housing system that is committed to dignity for all. We organize groups of parents and community leaders who work together to improve the quality of education through civic engagement. We advocate for policies that provide protection for immigrants and we work to reconstruct our immigration system into one that gives dignity to all.
Do you belong to a congregation or organization that would like to become a member of OCCCO’s network? Let us know! We love to make new friends.